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Swamp 50 years ago...

Ullibarri-Gamboa / Naclares de Gamboa Dam

The history of the Ullibarri-Gamboa reservoir takes us from the findings of Aldaieta from the sixth century AD to the decade of the 60's where the waters of the reservoir flooded many of the corners of this municipality, leaving traces of hamlets, villages and farmland waterlogged

Rescuing this story becomes one of the objectives of this guided tour.

The visit begins in ULLIBARRI-GAMBOA, whose name tells us that it had a lot to do with the emergence of the medieval struggles between Gamboinos and Oñacinos, where the most important places of this town are seen and explained, from here it goes to the DAM DEL PANTANO where the story of the construction of the reservoir is told with its most interesting anecdotes and all the events that this great risky and talented civil work brought with it.

Finally, we visit NANCLARES DE GAMBOA, a town on the banks of the reservoir, where the municipality was explained before the construction of the reservoir and how it is today.


Guided tours can be done all year round. In addition to the proposed routes you can make visits adapted to the places that the visitor wants.

Tel. 945243828/645844087

Minimum group: 4 people.

Languages: Spanish, Basque and English




Other guided tours


Plaza Bea-Murgia
945 430 440 


Plaza Zubiaur 
946 122 695 


Plaza Nagusia s/n
648 265 246 

(Abierta solo en verano)

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