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Romanesque in Zigoitia

San Pedro de Gorostiza - Olano - Zestafe

The Romanesque in Zigoitia is a rural art developed in villages of few inhabitants, scattered since the High Middle Ages, and which flourishes especially at the end of the s. XII and in the s. XIII, moment in which those small population centers acquire economic capacity that allows them to raise their parochial temples.

It is a late style, with pointed arches and incipient naturalist decoration in archivolts and capitals. The most outstanding, however, is the abundance of straight headwaters in their temples, perhaps because of the lack of resources of the small towns that erected them.


In OLANO we will visit the church with its famous altarpiece, being of Romanesque style it conserves rest of this period. But it stands out especially for its main altarpiece, from the sixteenth century (Gothic), consisting of painted boards, reliefs and carvings of great value. In addition we will have the opportunity to visit the rehabilitated mill.

Then we will go to ONDATEGUI, here we will find the church of San Lorenzo, a church along with Acosta and Gopegui in important roads in the eleventh century and built by monks builders and sponsored by the Navarrese monarchy trying to ensure a very unstable in itself.


Guided tours can be done all year round. In addition to the proposed routes you can make visits adapted to the places that the visitor wants.

Tel. 945243828  /  645844087

Minimum group: 4 people.

Languages: Spanish, Basque and English




Other guided tours


Plaza Bea-Murgia
945 430 440 


Plaza Zubiaur 
946 122 695 


Plaza Nagusia s/n
648 265 246 

(Abierta solo en verano)

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