Here you will find the basic information you need to get around Gorbeia Tourist Destination:
General information about what is really the tourist destination Gorbeia.
The location of the Destination's Information and Tourist Offices.
All the catalogues with routes, maps, visits, gastronomy, etc. of the area.
About us
About us
When we talk about the Gorbeia Tourist Destination we refer to the Gorbeia Natural Park and the surrounding towns. Although territorially it is distributed in the lands of Álava and Bizkaia, the Gorbeia is one and it is also unique.
Since 2010, the Association of Rural Development Gorbeialde (Bizkaia) and Gang of Gorbeialdea (Alava) have been working together to promote tourism throughout the Gorbeia area, in a unique example in Euskadi of collaboration between institutions from different territories.
If we look at the map, the Tourist Destination Gorbeia is formed by several municipalities of both regions:
District or Gang of Gorbeialdea / foothills of Gorbeia (Álava): ARAMAIO, ARRATZUA-UBARRUNDIA, LEGUTIO, URKABUSTAIZ, ZIGOITIA and ZUIA.
Gorbeialde Rural Development Association (Bizkaia)
The Association of Rural Development Gorbeialde is constituted by town councils and other associations of the rural area of the Arratia-Nerbioi area.
Its objective is to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions and provision of services to the rural population, trying to serve as a channel of participation and collaboration between all the sectors involved in rural development and the local administration of the region and in the elaboration and execution of Rural Development Programs.
Askatasuna street 10-1º, 48143 Areatza (Bizkaia)
N.I.F. G48409585
946 31 55 25
Gang of Gorbeialdea
The gang constitutes a peculiar system of territorial organization, exclusive of the Alava Historical Territory. They are regional territorial entities integrated by the municipalities, which promote and manage the interests of each region with a view to their organization and provision of resources.
At present in Álava there are 7 gangs: Añana, Ayala, Campezo-Montaña Alavesa, Laguardia-Rioja Alavesa, Salvatierra, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Gorbeialdea (formerly Zuia).
This entity is oriented to ensure the welfare and development of the populations that compose it in order to optimize the resources used and provide a common service to the municipalities that comprise it and its population.
Local Government Square 1, 2º izda, 01130 Murgia (Araba)
N.I.F. P0100389F
945 43 01 67
Tourist Offices
Murgia Tourist Office
It is a point of reference for travelers and tourists who want to go and get to know the foothills of Gorbeia, and for those who pass through Murgia on the way to other tourist destinations.
The tourist office opens from March 17 to November 5, December Bridge and Christmas.
Winter hours: from 9.30 to 12.30 and from 15.00 to 17.00.
Summer time: from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 a.m. to 7 p.m.
December schedule: from 9.30 to 13.30
Where we are
Bea-Murgia Square s/n 01130 MURGIA
Phone: 945 43 04 40
Orozko Tourist Office
Orozko is the gateway to the Gorbeia Natural Park for those who visit us from Bilbao by the nerve, by the AP-68 after leaving behind Basauri, Miravalles and Arrankudiaga.
Summer season: from Tuesday to Sunday and holidays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m and 4 p.m to 6 p.m.
Rest of the year: from Tuesday to Sunday and holidays: from 10 am to 2 pm Friday and Saturday also from 5 pm to 7 pm
Where we are
Zubiaur Square S/N 48410 OROZKO
Phone: 946 12 26 95